An Impact With Lasting Effects
The practice of mentorship is not a new concept. It has been around for hundreds of years because the wisdom learned through life experience is extremely valuable to pass along. This practice benefits the Mentee as well as also society as a whole. Here’s how everyone benefits from Mentorship.
Matches in 2022-2023 School Year
New Mentors in 2022-2023 Year
Individual Students, Families, and Mentors Impacted
“My child absolutely loves the program and his mentor. They have such a great bond. He is also doing so much better in school. This has been a true blessing for my child and. we are very thankful.”
– Guardian
89% of students credit their mentor for helping them work through hard situations
86% of students said their mentors helped them see their potential for growth
80% of students said their mentor helped them have better control over their emotions
86% of students said mentoring has helped them be more aware of others’ points of view
86% of students said mentoring has helped them to be more aware of others’ points of view
95% of students said mentoring has improved their overall social emotional well-being
90% of students said they have worked with their mentor to set and work towards a goal this year
89% of students said their mentor has helped them see their potential to grow and improve
“It has been an enormous joy to watch my mentee come out of her shell, challenge herself to new experiences, and really mature. She is bright and lovely and always seems happy to see me.”
– Mentor
YMI Community Impact
Volunteer Hours Provided in 2022
Value of Volunteer Time in 2022
Mentoring Paves the Way for Positive Growth
A few years ago, Frank was a 5th grade student who loved building things, riding his bike, and traveling with family. However, he was struggling in school – missing assignments and getting calls home more than he should. His guidance counselor at Fall Creek Intermediate recommended his family consider signing Frank up for a mentor through Youth Mentoring Initiative (YMI). Frank and his family thought a mentor – another caring adult invested in Frank’s life that he could talk to – would be a great idea and signed him up quickly.
Tim first heard about YMI while attending a Mudsock Youth Athletics event for one of his kids, and saw a neighbor working the YMI table. He had a long-time appreciation for mentoring, and was ready to give back. Tim grew up the youngest of six kids, and always had an older sibling to look up to. He has been in professional mentoring relationships for most of his career and specifically credits a former manager early on in his career, Chad, for being especially influential. “He was a sounding board, someone who pushed me to focus on both professional and personal development,” Tim commented.
Frank was matched with a mentor, and Tim was matched with a mentee. However, a short time later, both the mentor and the mentee moved away, paving the way for Tim and Frank to be matched.